• The 15th International Olive Festival Al-Jouf


    ​Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received Al-Jouf Chamber’s letter No. (79789), dated (9/2/2022 AD), regarding the generous approval of His Royal Highness Prince Fasl bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Al-Jouf Region, to launch the fifteenth edition of the Al-Jawf Olive Festival On March 3, 2022 AD, which is organized by the Al-Jouf Chamber and the Secretariat of the Al-Jouf Region, under the auspices of His Highness.

    Therefore, Al-Jouf Chamber looks forward to opening the door to sponsorship for companies and institutions, and for those wishing to sponsor the festival according to the sponsorship schedule, and it is possible to contact the following chambers addresses:
    Mobile: (0500599928), e-mail: (info@ajcci.org.sa).

    Sincerely yours

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